
Tanin is a Spiritual Teacher, Multi-Dimensional Trauma Healer, Speaker, and Shamanic Medicine Ceremonialist. She helps track the source of one’s suffering through their emotional patterns, childhood trauma, social imprinting, karma bonds, ancestral lineage, or dark energy that’s stuck or entangled – to reveal the point where consciousness is bound in limitation. That’s where she supports her clients’ healing, to help expand their awareness, raise to higher conscious states, and liberate suffering, limitation, and cycles of patterns. She helps her clients embody safety, grounding, and expansion of their most authentic expression.

Tanin partners and works with high-performing individuals, to reach their next level, particularly through her specially held healing containers, to awaken their ultimate potential and purpose by integrating their trauma and accelerating their spiritual awakening.


Spiritual Business Coach

we change the world as a result of who we become

 Tanin helps track the source of one’s suffering through their emotional patterns, childhood trauma, social imprinting, karma bonds, ancestral lineage, or dark energy that’s stuck or entangled; to reveal the point where consciousness is bound in limitation.

That’s where she supports her clients’ healing, to liberate suffering, limitation, and cycles of patterns so their awareness can expand & raise to higher conscious states. She helps her clients embody safety, grounding, and evolve into their most liberated, authentic expression.

Tanin partners and works with high-performing individuals,
to reach their next level, particularly through her specially held healing containers, to awaken their ultimate potential and purpose by integrating their trauma and accelerating their spiritual awakening.

"Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — "

Creators of a New Earth.

… the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward…


I seek to empower those who desire to embody their soul's mission to awaken humanity, make an impact in the world, & push the human race forward, consciously.

The courageous hearts,
willing to meet the emotional depths
to liberate their full being into the world.

To accelerate the growth of your business.
To increase your joy, pleasure, inner peace, & well-being
& to embody the change you are here to make in the world.

…& while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
- Steve Jobs


Spiritual Business Coach. Psychic. Energy Healer.


Tanin integrates spiritual growth with logistical problem-solving. You will never find another coach who can address your limiting beliefs and create a spreadsheet for your business in the same session. She is an absolute wealth of knowledge. She made me aware of my negative self-talk, making myself small for others, and my overwhelming lack of personal boundaries. Tanin was able to teach me the life-changing effects of positive reframing and trusting my intuitive knowledge.

And what truly blew me away was all her scientific evidence for everything she teaches. In short, Tanin awakened me to my full potential. I can now truly feel my own energy and have learned how to embody that energy to manifest all my desires. 

Beyond her teachings, Tanin is one of the most generous and loving humans I have ever met. I instantly felt warmth from her and it only grew.  She guided me through some really tough situations/issues with compassion and grace. Her honesty and openness is inspiring. I hired a coach and ended up with a friend and mentor. I will be forever grateful.

- Jennifer Maloni


Conscious Leadership

It's possible to lead,
while being led.

Enlightened Leadership is the journey of stabilizing expanded states of awareness & embodying a regulated nervous system simultaneously in the present moment to allow a loving higher intelligence to guide your actions in life so that you can experience the ease, joy, and love of creation.

"A Successful Visionary makes his or her vision manifest in the world. Invisible seeds planted in the silence of your deepest awareness become tangible, visible realities. As they unfold, you will manage their growth with passion and energy."
- Deepak Chopra

Tanin's work is based on the fundamentals of Stabilizing Expanded States of Awareness, Multidimensional Trauma Healing, Somatic Attachment Repair, Embodying Soul Consciousness, Elevating States of Consciousness (to Love, Joy, & Peace), Neuroscience, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Integrative Health, the Psychology of the Chakras, & Transformational Breathwork to enhance human optimization through deeper spiritual embodiment.

I am here to support the next generation of New Earth Leaders, Artists, & Creators to alleviate their suffering so they can awaken human consciousness. My intention is to help people develop an unshakable faith in themselves, their vision, and connection to a higher power by healing trauma on a multidimensional level so they open up the innate access to their infinite power to allow their divine purpose to be created through them.

When you have such a strong connection to a higher intelligence that is the source of creation through you, your faith becomes greater than any fear. & that expanded state will become the foundation of your life when times get challenging.

My legacy is creating a world where we all learn how to process our past traumas, have greater compassion for ourselves and others, and have the courage to live lives that are authentic, expansive, and life-giving.

I've developed my signature 6-month Trauma-Informed Spiritual Awakening Certification to teach the science behind spirituality, manifestation, and miracles so that we can create a society where we can all understand Peace.

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently —
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