$1,270.00 USD

7 monthly payments

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The Energetic Revolution Illuminated Healers Certification (Monthly Payments)

Are you ready to ...

⟢ GO DEEPER ~ into your soul's multidimensional healing journey

⟢ AWAKEN ~ the unique essence of your life's purpose

⟢ BECOME MASTERFUL ~ at living your fullest expression of life

⟢ STEP INTO ~ your divine healing, psychic, and energetic powers 

 The next 7 months will hold ...

  •  Weekly 1.5 hour energetic transmissions ~ Channeled synthesis of ancient + modern trauma-informed teachings on the essence of being 
  • Weekly group coaching sessions ~ Personalized guidance on your healing, awakening, and divine transmutation 
  • 4 live group breathwork ceremonies ~ Ritualized release, cleansing, purification 
  • 800+ Stunning and inspiring slides & visuals with rEvolutionary concepts.
  • 20+ Simple & effective assignments to embody course concepts & transform your life 

++ Exclusive early access to The Energetic Revolution Community - new content, courses, seminars etc.

What People Are Saying:

I was surprised at how quickly effective it was. It is a lot of information to take in, and I figured it would take a long time for me to fully understand, implement and see results, but that was not the case. It is the knowledge that as spiritual beings, we all deserve to be exposed to. Your life will start to become different in the ways you are hoping for it to be. You will not regret it!

Lanie M.

Life feels like bliss! What I have learned in this program reveals itself and challenges me throughout my day, rewarding me in new ways all the time. I feel so much more grateful and free from heavy feelings that have been weighing me down for years. I can shed emotions that aren’t serving my purpose much more quickly and focus on things that bring me closer to what’s important to me. After taking your course I feel more confident than ever that I can handle whatever obstacles or challenges may come my way, both personal and professional, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Sydney B.

I felt very frustrated in my job and completely misunderstood by most of the people around me. I knew I had to make big changes in my life to get where I wanted to go professionally; but wasn’t exactly sure where to start. I have more confidence in speaking my truth and am able to take aligned actions quicker than before. I’ve also been able to process my emotions more efficiently. I have supportive, authentic relationships and naturally attract people who feel aligned with me and my values. I also quit my job, sold most of my things, and moved across the country to start a new career, which has been a beautiful adventure! I now have energy awareness within my body. I have heightened sensitivities and can more deeply understand my emotions based on how my body’s feeling. I LOVE being in my body! If you are feeling stuck and ready to actually alchemize your energy to manifest your dreams, this is the absolute best container for that.

Jasmine G.